
New Cinavia DRM takes aim at pirates.

Why do people try and use big words when there is a much simpler word to use. Is it to appear smart? I'm shocked at some of these peoples answers.

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Why do people try and use big words when.
7-8-2013 · Its impossible to get rid of Cinavia watermarks without decimating the audio quality. The best you can hope for is a lossy, compressed audio.
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how to get passed cinivia

Why do people try and use big words when. DVD-Ranger CinEx module beta tested –.

Why do people try and use big words when.

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3-3-2010 · FileShareFreak has a very interesting report out today about Cinavia DRM, which is a new audio watermarking technology that takes aim at pirates, and those
New Cinavia DRM takes aim at pirates.


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